Let's Build a Privacy-First Future in Advertising

Let's Build a Privacy-First Future in Advertising

At the International Advertising Association (IAA), our commitment to serving our members across all sectors of the marketing communications industry worldwide remains a priority. As the global compass guiding responsible advertising practices, we are dedicated to fostering innovation while prioritizing consumer privacy and trust.

Privacy-Enhancing Innovation and emergence of data-driven advertising has brought unparalleled opportunities, but it also necessitates robust privacy safeguards. We support the strides Google has made through its Privacy Sandbox initiative. By addressing the complex balance between effective advertising and user privacy, Google is paving the way for a future where both can coexist harmoniously.

Google's thoughtful decision to maintain third-party cookie support while enhancing user transparency and control is a pivotal step forward. In an ecosystem where third-party cookies are integral to competition and the free and open internet, this move ensures that businesses can continue to thrive without compromising user trust. It is imperative that consumers have the power to easily exercise choice and control across all platforms and devices. Equally important is the ability of businesses to honor and respect those choices, ensuring a seamless and trustworthy advertising experience.

The IAA is eager to collaborate closely with Google and all industry stakeholders to bring this vision to life. We aim to simplify and strengthen consumer transparency and control, ensuring that privacy-enhancing technologies become the norm in advertising. Together, we can create an ecosystem that respects user privacy, fosters innovation, and maintains the competitive spirit that drives the free and open internet. We look forward to working hand-in-hand with our members and partners to build a future where privacy and advertising excellence go hand in hand.

Please contact Jeffrey Greenbaum, IAA Global VP Of Public Policy with any questions.

A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web